703 Slater Rd. Ste. 203 Morrisville, NC 27560(919) 757-4410

RTP Medical Massage

Chiropractic care is a conservative, non-invasive treatment used to relieve pain and treat underlying conditions of the neuromuscular system. Although it is highly effective on its own, the therapy works synergistically with massage therapy to deliver faster, more effective results. Massage prior to a chiropractic treatment helps loosen stiff muscles and make them more susceptible to manual adjustments. Many chiropractors not only recommend massage to patients – they offer it right in their offices.

Did you know…

that massage therapy has been used for thousands of years to relieve muscle stiffness and back pain related to stress and injury? Today, it is used around the world for those same reasons. In fact, there are more than 100 types of massage used in countries all around the world. Each offers its own benefits, but nearly all serve the same purposes – to relieve stress, improve range of motion, release built-up muscle toxins, and provide relief of pain and muscle stiffness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I get massage at RTP Medical Massage?

Not everyone is a candidate for massage, so see your primary care physician before getting treatment. According to the National Institute for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, massage administered by a trained and licensed professional carries very low risk of complications.

What should I expect during my massage?

Your massage experience will depend primarily on the type of massage you get. If you see a professional masseuse, you can elect traditional massage for superficial muscle relaxation or deep tissue massage to target the muscles deep beneath the skin. Massages are usually available in durations of up to 90 minutes, although you can reap the benefits of massage in just 30 minutes or less.

Will I need to follow any special instructions following my massage?

Yes. Massage therapy performed at RTP Medical Massage helps loosen muscles by relieving toxins that are stored in them. These toxins need to be flushed out of your system in the hours following your massage, so it is recommended that you drink plenty of water once you complete your treatment.


RTP Medical Massage is an independently owned company and is based out of RTP Chiropractic Center.  To schedule a massage or speak with a licensed massage therapist, Please call Sharon Shea at 516-317-3941