703 Slater Rd. Ste. 203 Morrisville, NC 27560(919) 757-4410


Back Friendly Golf Tips

Healthy Back Tips


How Chiropractic Can Help

Why Chiropractic? Chiropractic is a safe, cost-effective, non-invasive, drug-free form of healthcare that helps prevent opioid addiction by avoiding addictive prescription drugs in the first place. Why does this matter? North Carolina contains 4 of the top 25 cities with the highest opioid abuse rates, including #1 Wilmington. However, with over 2000 licensed North Carolina […]

Foam Rolling

A lot of patients suffer from many conditions caused by muscle tension, which may also create symptoms such as sciatica, shin splints, and pulled muscles. Lower back muscle tightness over a period of time can cause us to have low back pain, limited range of motion, and decreased function. A very simple technique to help […]

Where to go for low back pain treatment

Do you have low back pain? If so, you are not alone. Low back pain is the most common condition on the planet. Yes, I said planet. 8 out of 10 Americans will deal with back pain at some point in their life. People often wonder where to go when low back pain strikes. With […]

Range of Motion Exercises That Helps Fight Joint Stiffness

Joints that move freely, without restriction, pain, or popping, are considered to be healthy. Range of motion refers to the normal amount your joints move. To maintain normal range of motion within these joints, we need to incorporate exercises and stretches to maintain joint flexibility. Neck and back exercises need to be performed three to […]

Wellness and Preventative Care, A Paradigm Shift

In today’s model of healthcare, it seems to be more of a sick care model. Until recently, we really haven’t promoted wellness or preventative types of care. Patients go to the doctor and automatically expect to be prescribed a slew of medications. Most people happily oblige and head straight to the pharmacy. As a practitioner, […]

The Benefits of Chiropractic

I have the best patients and also the strongest ?? A post shared by RTP Chiropractic (@rtp_chiropractic) on Jul 5, 2017 at 9:12am PDT

Custom Orthotics- Not Just for Athletes

Dr. Gibson is a Chiropractor in Morrisville that treats many conditions that affect many athletes. One way he treats knee pain, low back pain, and ankle pain are with custom orthotics. Working with athletes, Dr. Gibson learned that if you do not have the proper support, you are more likely to have an injury. Dr. […]

Back Pain and Chiropractic

Walking upright on two feet has advantages, but it also puts intense pressure on the spine, as well as on other muscles and bones. Add to this improper sitting, lifting, or reaching—and the normal wear and tear of working and playing—and you have the perfect recipe for back pain. That’s why back pain is the […]