703 Slater Rd. Ste. 203 Morrisville, NC 27560(919) 757-4410


Gallup Poll for Utilization of Chiropractic


Palmer College of Chiropractic Survey

New Gallup-Palmer College of Chiropractic survey: Three in four patients describe chiropractic care as ‘very effective.’ According to a new Gallup report commissioned by Palmer College of Chiropractic, U.S. adults are more likely to describe chiropractic care as “very safe” and “very effective” than to say this about pain medications or back surgery. The “Gallup-Palmer […]

Adult Scoliosis

A lot of people have heard about scoliosis and you may remember in grade school being tested for it. Advancements in technology now allows us to diagnosis and treat it much more easily. The most common is radiographs or X-ray, which is typically the most diagnostic and cheapest way to confirm scoliosis. There are many different […]