703 Slater Rd. Ste. 203 Morrisville, NC 27560(919) 757-4410


When are X-Rays or Diagnostic Imaging Necessary

Most patients think or believe that X-rays and or MRI are necessary to treat common musculoskeletal conditions. These diagnostic procedures can tell the doctor a lot about structure but not alway necessary when treated these common conditions. First we must differentiate between these two commonly used test. X-ray is mainly used in Urgent Care, Primary […]

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Trending Now: Concussions

By Ranier Pavlicek, D.C., A.T.C., D.A.C.R.B., Chiropractic Rehabilitation and Sports Injury Department, Palmer Chiropractic Clinics Concussions can be caused by a blow or jolt to the head or a collision to the body which allows the head to move back and forth. The mechanism of injury could be explained by the anatomy of the skull […]