703 Slater Rd. Ste. 203 Morrisville, NC 27560(919) 757-4410


Dynamic Air Compression

Vasopneumatic Compression or Dynamic Air Compression therapy is utilized by most professional and collegiate athletes to help aid in their recover. We at RTP Chiropractic believe that everyone can benefit from the new technology. Peristaltic pulse dynamic air compression or vasopneumatic compression is a way of accelerating and enhancing recovery by reducing muscle tenderness from […]

How the coronavirus infects human cells

By: David Seaman The novel coronavirus that emerged in late 2019 called SARS-CoV-2 enters cells by binding to an enzyme called angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE2). I have noticed that this enzyme is referred to by many as the ACE2 receptor. You should understand that ACE2 is NOT a receptor, it is an enzyme. The primary […]

Dry Needling

Dry needling, in it’s current application has been known about since the late 1970’s. Karel Lewit observed that inserting a hollow bore needle produced the same positive response as did injecting a patient with medicine. Around the same time Dr. Gunn was doing work with solid filament needles. The goal of dry needling is to […]