703 Slater Rd. Ste. 203 Morrisville, NC 27560(919) 757-4410

Low Back Pain

It is the leading cause of disability for working men and women under the age of 45. Some causes of that pain may be coming from the feet, which are the foundation. Use of custom orthotics like the ones from footlevelers, have been shown to decrease low back pain by 34.5%, as well as decrease knee and foot pain.

Dr. Luke Gibson at RTP Chiropractic in Morrisville, utilizes a 3D pressure scanner, which molds custom made orthotics specifically made for each patient. Most insurance covers custom orthotics.

Call our office today to see if you could benefit from Orthotics. Now serving Cary, Durham, and Morrisville.

Low Back Pain from Foot Levelers on Vimeo.