703 Slater Rd. Ste. 203 Morrisville, NC 27560(919) 757-4410

Sports Related Injury

Athletes are constantly pushing themselves to the limits, putting pressure and strain on their bodies to perform. The feet, knees, and hips are especially stressed, bearing as much as 20 times a person’s body weight or more during some activities. Though proper training, footwear and other precautions can help protect the feet during play, countless athletes suffer foot, ankle, knee, and hip injuries every year. A sports related foot injury requires proper treatment and plenty of healing time to increase the chances of a full recovery.

Did you know…

that approximately 1 in 4 sports injuries is foot and ankle-related? In fact, foot and ankle injuries are responsible for 35 percent of all time lost to injuries in sports that require running or jumping. Though nearly all athletes are susceptible to foot and ankle injuries, those who participate in sports that require the feet as points of contact are most likely to develop sprains, tendonitis and other foot-related conditions. Examples include football, basketball, dance, soccer, cheerleading and track and field events.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the symptoms of a sports related injury?

Sports-related injuries are most commonly caused by overuse, improper warm-ups, playing on a hard surface, or accidents during play. The symptoms will vary depending on the type of injury but may include pain, swelling, bruising and difficulty moving or putting pressure on the affected area. Some injuries may cause numbness and tingling in the feet or hands, and some injuries may cause a visible displacement of the joints or bones.

Why should I see a chiropractor  for a sports related  injury?

No one is more qualified to treat musculoskeletal injuries than a chiropractor. Dr. Gibson has a thorough understanding of the bodies anatomy and kinesiology. Your doctor will use diagnostic imaging and orthopedic test to help confirm the pain generator and develop a plan for treatment. Failure to receive necessary treatment could affect the long-term outcome of an injury, potentially worsening inflammation and damage to joints, bones and soft tissues of affected area.

What types of treatments are available for sports-related  injuries?

Treatment for athletic injuries is often non-invasive, requiring rest, ice, compression and elevation of the injury. You will need to rehab to prevent future injury or pain. Dr. Gibson may recommend kinesio taping and nutrition to prevent further injury and to help reduce inflammation.  Keep in mind that it may take several weeks for an injury to heal, during which time you may need to refrain from athletic training or otherwise adopt a modified exercise schedule. Physiotherapy may help you regain flexibility and restore strength to an injured foot, ankle, knee, hip, elbow or shoulder.