Piriformis Syndrome
What is Piriformis Syndrome
Causes of Piriformis Syndrome
The exact causes of piriformis syndrome are unknown but there are some conditions that are thought to lead to the syndrome.
- Muscle spasm in the piriformis muscle, either because of irritation in the piriformis muscle itself, or irritation of a nearby structure such as the sacroiliac joint or hip.
- Tightening of the piriformis muscle, in response to injury or spasm.
- Inflammation of the piriformis muscle, due to injury or muscle spasm.
- Trauma to the area of the piriformis muscle.
Symptoms of Piriformis Syndrome
One of the most common symptoms of piriformis symptoms are acute tenderness in the buttock, which can travel down the back of the thigh, calf and foot. Typical symptoms may include:
- A dull ache in the buttoch
- Pain down the back of the thigh, calf and foot
- Pain when walking, especially up stairs
- Increased pain after prolonged sitting on a hard surface
- Reduced movement of the hip joint
Symptoms of piriformis syndrome often become worse after prolonged sitting, walking or running, and may feel better after lying down on the back.
Treatment of Piriformis Syndrome
Initial treatment for piriformis syndrome includes decreasing the inflammation associated with the condition. Ice therapies and electric muscle stimulation help clear the inflammation. Kinesio Tape and the Graston technique can help break up the fibrous tissue that causes stiffness and delays the healing process. Exercises will help retrain the muscles while chiropractic adjustments will retrain the joints move the way they were designed to move.
Dr. Gibson at RTP Chiropractic in Morrisville NC is highly trained and skilled to diagnosis the cause of your pain. He will develop treatment recommendations as well as home instructions to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. If you have any questions about the treatment options for these types of conditions, don’t hesitate to call the office at anytime.