703 Slater Rd. Ste. 203 Morrisville, NC 27560(919) 757-4410


Dry Needling

Dry needling, in it’s current application has been known about since the late 1970’s. Karel Lewit observed that inserting a hollow bore needle produced the same positive response as did injecting a patient with medicine. Around the same time Dr. Gunn was doing work with solid filament needles. The goal of dry needling is to […]

The Case For Maintenance Care, A Review of the Literature

Evidence Based Chiropractic Maintenance Care by Joe Siragusa, DC, FACO, M.Ed., CAE It sounds like something out of an old chiropractic philosophy seminar but… chiropractic maintenance care has been shown to have clinical value. That is exactly the conclusion of a paper (literature review) published in the journal Chiropractic and Manual Therapies. In the November […]

Low Back Treatment in Morrisville NC

Research shows chiropractic care and medical care combined can keep you moving by providing greater pain relief for low back pain and a greater reduction in disability. https://t.co/7h9iO8c3DT #Move4Life https://t.co/OO2CLASc2X pic.twitter.com/5KSDBccG7w — Luke A Gibson, D.C. (@RTPChiropractic) October 30, 2018

The Cost of Chiropractic Care

It was shown that $83.5 million in savings annually when medicare patients see chiropractors before going to primary care physicians for back and/or neck pain.

Who To See For Your Neck & Back Pain

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Neck and back pain sufferers in the U.S. who saw healthcare professionals in the past 12 months for this type of pain were most likely to seek care from a medical doctor (62%) or a chiropractor (53%). About a third visited a massage therapist or a physical therapist for their neck or […]

Why Custom Orthotics can help!

Foot Levelers Waiting Room Video with captions from Foot Levelers on Vimeo.

How Chiropractic Can Help

Why Chiropractic? Chiropractic is a safe, cost-effective, non-invasive, drug-free form of healthcare that helps prevent opioid addiction by avoiding addictive prescription drugs in the first place. Why does this matter? North Carolina contains 4 of the top 25 cities with the highest opioid abuse rates, including #1 Wilmington. However, with over 2000 licensed North Carolina […]

Try Chiropractic before Opioids

 Did you know that 1 out of every 4 opioid prescriptions will be abused? Many of those prescriptions written for back or neck pain can be avoided with Chiropractic Care. Visit ncchiro.org/opioids to learn more about Chiropractic’s Role in the Fight Against Opioid Addiction.

New report warns of widespread ineffectiveness of lower back pain treatments

Where to go for low back pain treatment

Do you have low back pain? If so, you are not alone. Low back pain is the most common condition on the planet. Yes, I said planet. 8 out of 10 Americans will deal with back pain at some point in their life. People often wonder where to go when low back pain strikes. With […]